First of all I would like to thank Ruchi and Dipika for choosing such an apt topic for this challenge. This post has given me an opportunity and a chance to introspect the good and not so good things happened in the year 2020. This is the year where I have unlearned things that has become obsolete and relearned by updating myself to keep abreast with new normal .
Being a Life and Emotional Intelligence coach I have learnt that whatever happens in life ,good or bad, take it as a pinch of salt. I remember one of my poem which I have written it long back:
When pain becomes too much to handle
just remember one thing, there is nothing which is constant or which is there forever
There will be time when things will be fine, There will be time when you will be happy
And that's when you will realize those things were not worth your time
So be happy and don't let anyone overpowers you, Because it's you and only you who can justify your presence and worth.
So be positive and stay positive!
So lets begin this journey of introspecting ,but just remember of thing, never focus on Why, instead ask What would I have done or can do to make things better. So here are some of my learning which I would love to share while saying good bye to 2020:
Being Grateful
Being Patient

Patience is a virtue and can be cultivated. Before the pandemic , many of us often run on autopilot mode, as we were so accustomed to the hustle and bustle of daily life. But now I have learnt to re-think the way I go about each day. In spite of the negative impact of the crisis, this lock down has certainly implemented a sense of patience in me and , I am sure in most of us. Now I am more patient with my kids and with my life partner too..wow don't you think that's amazing.We both are working from home , adjusting to each other's work schedule not only requires patience but also compromise. Being patient has made me more empathetic and focused.
Being Creative
Being Adaptable
Being hopeful and Optimistic
Being ME
I deserve to be loved not only by those around me but the most important person in my life and that - "ME".So here when I am talking about being ME, is self love. In my case it was quite challenging as by nature I am a selfless person , not praising myself , in fact this has done more bad than good to me. I am not saying to be self absorbed or narcissists , it is about getting in touch with our self, our well being and our happiness. I want to practice self love so that I can push through my limiting believes and live a life that truly shines.
While lock down has certainly been a period of learning and lessons, it has also been a scary and overwhelming experience for many of us. As we look for different ways to cope , let us hope we are able to become more resilient in the face of future stressors.
Just remember one thing if we are able to respond to the health crisis with resilient , we can deal with whatever else life throws our way!
This blog post is written for SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge hosted by Ruchi and Dipika #SpeakEasyWithRuchiNDips
Pic Courtesy / Edit - Pexels /Canva
@Swati Mathur
True said.I absolutely agree with your points.
ReplyDeleteLife has thrown so much our way this year and we have all experienced so much! Even our kids and elderly had to learn lessons. Hopefully things will get better.
ReplyDeleteLife has surely been unpredictable in this pandemic.Realky appreciate your approach towards the life. We all need to be grateful and resilient to welcome the new changes in life and ofcourse not to forget to have self love on priority.
ReplyDeleteYes dear this pandemic has taught us so many valuable life lessons. Personally I had learnt the way to adopt things with a faster rate. Loved your poem so much. Beautiful expression with powerful words.
ReplyDeleteFinding yourself own self is such a huge task. Its a journey that we should all embark upon. Loved the post.
ReplyDeleteWe have learnt a lot this year, and it has made us strong in many ways.
ReplyDeleteYear-end is a time for retrsopection and introspection. You have given some nice guidelines.
ReplyDeleteBeing grateful is something all of us should learn in general. I think we have taken a lot of things for granted.
ReplyDeleteLife is unpredictable however we should always be grateful for what we have. Such a beautiful post.
ReplyDeleteI would say you have made 2020 work for you, Swati. It was very inspiring to read your post.
Hey Swati, I liked the point of being just ME. Frankly speaking, I just left everything for a while when I felt overwhelmed at times and closed my eyes. I started accepting that I can't do everything. The work has to shared and then everyone can be peaceful.Thakfully my family is always supportive.
ReplyDeleteBeing optimistic is a great virtue and it's difficult to always be positive. Thankfully, in this last year we have all learnt the lesson to let go and be grateful.
ReplyDeleteSwati honestly this was the best post I have read on bidding goodbye to this year. You have so carefully and aptly worded the emotions that many of us have been through this year and how we need to grow resilient in the year to come.
ReplyDeletewhat a lovely poem, and important reminder!
ReplyDeleteindeed, patience and just coping skills for everyone has evolved drastically.