Monday, March 23, 2015

Edge of the World : Poetry

This Post has won "WOW "Badge  from Blogadda

When the day ends and night begins
When love fails and hatred wins
Thats when you know , you have come to the edge of the world

When rich becomes richer and poor becomes poorer
When corruption is on the top of the minds
Thats when you know, you have come to the edge of the world

When a child lies and the mother cries
When a lover cheats and infidelity remains
Thats when you know, you have come to the edge of the world

When cruelty wins over goodness
When revenge wins over forgiveness
Thats when you know, you have come to the edge of the world

Lets wake up from this gloomy life
And make this world a place of joyful ride
Thats when NO one will come to the edge of the world


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. Wow! Amazing! Loved your take on the prompt!

  2. Beautiful Swati :)

  3. This is best positive thinking. Good. Live with it and enjoy life as it is.

  4. Amen. It is a very thought provoking poem. When we realize these things, then the world will be a much better place to live.

  5. I loved the way you have written this poem, the positivity says it is in our hand to make this world a better place.

  6. Wow you are so good with poem writing. yes, many time it feels that this world with so much negativity and hopelessness but if we join our hands and try to make it a better place to live then things can change for better for future generation.

  7. You have beautifully penned down the every turning point when bad has upper hand over good things and that's the time to take a call and come forward to take the charge to amend the things.

  8. oh .. I love this beautiful poetry. The choice of word is just wow . I found this poem so inspiring, it is in our hands to make world a better place

  9. This was a such a bittersweet read, Swati. You showed us both sides of a situation, making us think. Let's not take this world to the edge!

  10. Wow, you have written this poem very beautifully. Loved it. Keep writing and best wishes

  11. Reading this makes me feel like we've been living at the edge of the world for the longest time now. Does the good wins over evil happen only in stories? This gloom has to pass, soon. About time now.

  12. Beautiful lines, Swati. You indeed have knack at creating magic by the words. No wonder this post is chose as Wow pick.

  13. When the bad and the evil gains an upper hand it is time for good to take the lead in setting the balance right. In Hindu philosophy too this is highlighted, in the form of the Avatars of Vishnu taking birth to set right the balance between good and evil.

  14. If we all come together for the single goal of peace within and peace in the outer world then we will know that we have win. Beautiful thought in these poetic lines.

  15. Such lovely words Swati. How beautifully you have weaved them and put your thoughts in words. Indeed the world need to be filled with fun and not much of gloom. We should take control of our life and make it happy.

  16. I love prompts, they give us a way to express our emotions through words and explore our creativity. Absolutely loved reading this one and your take on this prompt :)

  17. Those are such simple lines but certainly impactful Life can be easy if we work towards making it more happy than gloomy.

  18. Such a beautiful and thought provoking poem this is. Indeed the world is
    Coming to its edge and hopefully we be able to push and turn things around. Amen.

  19. nO MATTER HOW BAD THE WORLD is, theres always hope. As u mentioned in the end , we all need to work together to make this world a beautiful place.

  20. I enjoyed reading this so much. You have expressed everything in such simple lines, so beautifully. It is important for us to walk towards a happy life.
